Searching For Your Lost Dog
If your dog has ran away from home there is a good chance that your pet has not made it too far away. Search your immediate area and gradually expand outwards. If possible, ask friends and family members to help with the initial search. Do not hesitate to ask your acquaintances or neighbours for their help in the search. If they are unwilling to help you, ask them if they can contact you if they see your lost dog.
If you have recently moved in, your lost dog does not yet know the limits of their surroundings.
In their eagerness to explore their surroundings your dog can end up lost. It is possible that your dog can return to where it was originally lost. If possible, leave an object with your scent and check on it regularly. Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and that could be used in your search for your lost dog.
If you are lucky, your dog could be lingering by the object you placed. Also, if you are able, try to leave him food and water with the object.
increase your chances of finding your doglost or cat missing by boosting our Facebook post in your local area!

Pet Alert UK Boost will localize your search in an extremely precise geographical area – a 6 mile radius from where your dog or cat went missing. Last, but not least, your post will be displayed to all residents within the 6 mile radius, even those who are not followers of our page.
Fliers and Posters
Create fliers and posters with the picture of your pet and your phone number. If you lost dog is chipped, be sure to explicitly state in the flier or poster that your dog has been chipped. Ensure that your contact information on the microchip is up-to-date!
Place the fliers and posters everywhere you can within your neighbourhood. Try to put up fliers close to schools in your neighbourhood. Children tend to be more aware of lost dogs and cats than adults.
In addition to making fliers, contact your local newspaper to place a lost dog advertisement. Sometimes local radio stations can broadcast lost pet information for free. Give them detailed information about your lost pet.
Places to Check
Here are some places, organisations and people who could help you in your effort to find your lost dog:
- Vets and Veterinarian Clinics: these are the best places to check regularly; especially if your lost dog is chipped because the veterinarian can scan the chip to retrieve the contact information from the chip. As stated in the previous step, it is crucial to always have your contact information up to date
- Dog Wardens, your local dog warden, animal shelters and animal rescue centres.
- Supermarkets & Local Stores: Newsagents and supermarkets can be a solid source of information as there is a steady flow of people coming and in out. It is likely that someone could have seen your lost dog. Also, ask the staff in these stores if you can put up posters!
- Postal Workers, Gardeners, Window Cleaners, Handymen: It is possible that these workers could have some information on your lost dog since they tend to work outdoors. Be sure to ask them if they have seen your pet and if they can contact you if they happen to find your lost dog.

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